Article 02.004

Thursday 17, September 2015

Article 02.004

Article 02, paisea 004. Eppur si muove or the immobilized city’s paradox. Joan Olmos.

The Ramblas’ lively experience, in Barcelona, the world locked up in a section of the New Yorker 5th Avenue, the life that stirs in Corrientes’ Street in Buenos Aires, the art of the beautiful Corso Vanucci by Perugia, the magnificence of the Ring Strasse in Vienna or the renewed Under der Linden in Berlin, but also the deep taste of the narrow streets in Rome, in Naples, in Palermo, in Toledo… fragments of the full city that pushes us to reflections about the contemporary public space.


Perspective, boulevard, bank, gully, beltway, passage, run, alley, narrow street, large road, walk… In the words’ box, many of them name the variety of public spaces that we usually call streets.

Full article HERE

Paisea 004 available in digital edition HERE


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