Wednesday 6, November 2013



Spanish Association of Green Covers organized a conference in Vitoria- Gasteiz on November 14, 2013 at the headquarters of the Interpretation Centre of Wetlands in Salburua – ATARIA .
Biosphere Walk , 4 of Vitoria -Gasteiz.

The aim of the conference is to provide a complete educational vision technique the Green Roofs and solutions tailored to the structural characteristics and uses of the covers, as you can see in the draft program that we attach

The target group consists of professionals interested in this technique is being implemented in our country hard by ecological ( sustainability , uses recycled materials ) and economic (savings and energy efficiency) that presents the future of construction.

Currently, green roofs are an important component of sustainable urban development . Thanks to the economic and ecological benefits contribute to the urban environment and its inhabitants, while improving life expectancy and energy balance of buildings.


To ensure proper operation and durable groundcovers is essential to follow some basic principles : use quality materials and advanced technology, make good planning and professional installation, and perform proper maintenance.

The Spanish Association of Green Covers was created to carry out the promotion and dissemination of all knowledge and technology related to green roofs and facades . Offering support and training to all entities , professionals and individuals , who need information and advice.



The course places are limited and will be confirmed after receiving the copy of the transfer fee.

Registration : 50€  per person.
Registration fee + lunch : € 60 per person
There will be a 10% discount . workers and / or collegial associates in the event.
Payment by bank transfer . The account number will be communicated after receiving the registration form with the data.

Phone: 673 869 022
e- mail:

web :

Current address : Center for Interpretation Salburua Wetlands – ATARIA . Biosphere Walk , 4 of Vitoria -Gasteiz.

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