Thursday 29, August 2013

V call

Internacional Lanscape workshop

1. Presentation

Coinciding with the initiative to declare Heritage to JAÉN CATHEDRAL , as exemplary religious Renaissance architectural landmark in southern Spain, the College of Architects Jaen , in collaboration with the School Architecture of Madrid, School of Architecture in Valencia and GEOMETRY Magazine , announces the “V INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP LANDSCAPE & rdquo , with the theme: “CITY AND CULTURE: Reflections in the Cathedral” , to be held in the Cathedral of Jaen own (by the architect Andrés de Valdevira in the sixteenth century) as the exceptional setting for the headquarters of the V Workshop Landscape during the days 11 to 14 June of 2,013.

The main content will be analyzed from the theory and practice action project (of all different “scales”) the importance of the presence of the Cathedral of Jaen in the landscape both urban as territorial city , found in dimension architectural its influence on the understanding, shape and rationale of the city of Jaen.

The College of Architects of Jaen , try this initiative affect the current debate on the importance of architecture and Professional , discovering this professional analysis of the Workshop the importance of architecture and architects have contributed to the historical heritage of the magical and irreplaceable reality that is the “city”.

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About creating an open workshop where the balance between theory and practice is the basis on which to build the discipline of action proyectual based on self-knowledge of space to generate different project scales (Planning, City and Architecture), and the set of values aesthetic and practical to make their own ways to build and transform.

Thus, the workshop is being jointly developed within the theoretical and practical activity without interruption, where theoretical lessons are interspersed with practical exercise to make, through a series of conferences in this V LANDSCAPE Workshop will be held at the Cathedral own, , and practical work to be held headquarters in Colegio de Arquitectos de Jaén.



Registration will take place according to strict turn (limited places ), sending the attached flyer before 13:30 pm on July 26 . The registration will entitle the attendance and participation of all workshop activities and the delivery of a Diploma Assistance Officer to it with the appropriate certifications. Likewise, it will present a Documentation Preview for the preparation of the year a month before the meeting.

– collegiate Architects or associates .

– Other Architects or professional .



Travel from Madrid by Air (Granada airport), train and bus. The organization selected the following hotels with special price participants in the Workshop:


Hotel Infanta Cristina: ( www.hotelinfanta.com )

Hotel Chefchaouen: ( www.hotelxauen.com )

Hotel Constable Iranzo: ( www.hotelcondestableiranzo.com )

Residences Students :
Hostal Estación: ( www.hostalestacionferrocarriljaen.com )

and Jaén Youth Hostel ( www.inturjoven.com )


+info: https://www.geometriadigital.com/taller

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