River park Medellín

Thursday 4, July 2013

Competition: River park Medellín

The Medellín River Park is an urban transformation strategic project which will turn the river in the environmental and public space axis of the city and its region. By optimizing its current role as principal mobility axis, the river shall be the structuring and integrating element of the different systems in the area, and the central scenario for citizen commingling.

Thus, the river shall retake meanings and functions which were once quintessential for the inhabitants of Medellín and the territory they occupy. The Medellín River Park will organize and enhance urban transformation processes which are necessary for Medellín to grow without expanding; such policy lies at the base of the ongoing revision process of theLand Use Plan (POT, from its original Spanish language initials, Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial).

Thus, the project must find a delicate balance amongst multiple seemingly contradictorydemands. Not only should functionality of the regional road axis and urban highway be only maintained; it must also be improved; this is the mobility backbone in Valle de Aburrá, and the main leverage for competitiveness of Medellin. Recovery of environmental values must be compatible with the proposed functions of public space, as a sort of civic agora. The river itself has challenging characteristics, given its flow and variations.

The Medellín River Park is a project which obviously outlasts one municipal administration. Nevertheless, it is necessary to define and materialize short and medium term actions, in order to ensure viability of its implementation and make it an irreversible process.

We want to generate a wide range of views as to the relationship between the city and the river, wherefrom a jury with solid
experience shall select the proposal which best combines creativity with practicality, and which best meets the collective imaginary about our Medellín River.
The selected Proponent shall be responsible for developing the urban, landscape and architectural project which will start a far – reaching process, thus aiming to give life back to the river, and ultimately give the river to the city and its inhabitants.

The Tender period is understood as the term which elapses between the date on which proposals can be submitted and its closure for the first round, and it goes from JUNE the 12, 2013 TO JULY the 26th, 2013. The term of the second round goes from AUGUST
the 12th, 2013 TO OCTOBER the 4th, 2013.

+info: https://sociedadcolombianadearquitectos.org/concursodelriomedellin/


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