Saturday 13, April 2013

Competition: “Glòries square redevelopment

The City Council has launched the architectural competition that should shape the Plaza de les Glories of the century, a space urbanistically Cerdà projected unfortunate since it became the center of the city. The council has now published the contest of ideas, restricted to a maximum of 10 teams of architects, and has informed the composition of the jury, chaired by the architect and former mayor of the Brazilian city of Curitiba, Jaime Lerner. The initial purpose is to fail the competition in February 2014.

Participants must abide by certain conditions in the redesign of the square. The space for pedestrians should preferably be organized in a single plane, no platforms at different levels, and devote the largest possible surface to the green. Private traffic surface should disappear, while the trunk should be channeled through the tunnel and intended under the plaza. While the tunnel is not built, should be foreseen in the project a workaround.

The amenities of the area must be grouped into multifunctional pieces, and each school should have a place of Encants currently planned.

The winner will receive 40,000 euros, on account of the amount provided for the subsequent drafting of the development of the 13 acres of Glories.

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