Redevelopment of squares

Tuesday 9, April 2013

Design competition: “Redevelopment of squares. Monsummano Terme”

The scope of work covers all the squares of Monsummano Terme, includes squares as Ferdinando Martini, Giuseppe Giusti, Piazza Amendola, Piazzetta San Carlo, Piazza del Popolo, Piazza IV Novembre, with reference also to the reverberations on the access roads to these squares: Toti, Mazzini, Boninsegni, Matteotti etc. Scope of intervention is called object of design competition in two phases of planning to redevelop and enhance public spaces. The proposals must comply with the sustainability criteria set out in on the institution’s website.



1° Prize: € 15 000
2° Prize: € 2 500
3° Prize: € 2 500
4th Prize: € 2 500
5th Prize: € 2 500

Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or date: 12.6.2013 – 13:00


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