LAMP Lighting Solutions ’13

Wednesday 30, May 2012

LAMP Lighting Solutions ’13

LAMP LIGHTING SOLUTIONS ’13 Prizes have been announced.

Light is a fundamental element of life and a key aspect of any architectural project. Prizes will be awarded to projects that have successfully met the architectural lighting needs of an interior or exterior space, having created a positive synergy between architecture, interior design, landscaping and lighting. The Lamp Lighting Solutions Awards value the creativity, innovation and sustainability of lighting projects, regardless of the manufacturer or the brand of lights used in the project.


1. ARCHITECTURAL OUTDOOR LIGHTING: lighting projects for exterior illumination such as: facades, sport facilities, monuments, canopies, etc.

2. INDOOR LIGHTING: lighting projects for interior illumination such as: shops, restaurants, museums, exhibition halls, single buildings, offices, etc.

3. URBAN AND LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: lighting projects for urban illumination such as: squares, roundabouts, avenues, streets, parks, bridges, etc.

4. STUDENTS PROPOSALS: this year’s theme is “Light to connect”; lighting projects, both indoor and outdoor, in which light is used as a tool to connect people and/or spaces: squares, streets, parks, beaches, malls, airports, car parks, etc. Only idea-based projects will be accepted.

*Bear in mind that the projects must incorporate innovation and sustainability elements in all categories.
*Only daylight based projects, entertainment lighting, and luminaire design will not be accepted.


The jury will determine 4 winners (1 per category):

Architectural Exterior Lighting Award: 15.000 €
Interior Lighting Award: 15.000 €
Urban and Landscape Lighting Award: 15.000€
Students Proposals Award: 3.000 €

The jury’s verdict will be announced at a special evening event in Barcelona during the month of June 2013. The award cannot be declared void or granted “ex aequo”. The LIGHTING CONCEPTS ’13 book will include the finalists’ projects. The finalists must hand in all the necessary graphic material required for the book. The author of the photographs must be indicated.


Any lighting designers, architects, urban planners, interior designers, engineers, landscapers or students who are authors of a lighting project. There are no restrictions on age, nationality or place of residence.

We accept all types of architectural lighting projects whose building works have been finished in 2011 or 2012; regardless of the manufacturer or the brand of lights used in the project. Each contestant can participate in all the categories, with a maximum of 2 projects per category.


Contestants must submit their projects, prior registration, between 01.09.12 and 31.01.13. The registration for the awards and the submitting of necessary documents required for participation can only be made on line according to the following process:

1. Fill out the general form and wait for confirmation by mail.
2. Attach a formatted graphic document (that includes the datasheet) on 1 horizontally read DINA3 sheet in PDF format (max. 5 MB). This document must not indicate the authorship. The jury will take into consideration if contestants accompany the sheet submittal with a video in FLV format (max. 1minute/10 MB).


In mid-February 2013 the jury will select approximately 20 projects per category which will pass on to the following phase. LAMP will contact those selected by email in order for them to send, within a period of 10 days, the Lighting Project. This must include graphic and written information which allows to assess the objectives it pursues and shows the specific lighting solutions adopted in terms of light sources, lighting units and control systems. This must be submitted in printed form, DINA3 or DINA4.

The jury will meet in mid-March 2013 to decide on 4 finalist works for each category and the 4 winners. If appropriate, the jury may consider more than 4 projects per category as finalists and give honourable mention to any project they deem worthy. The LIGHTING CONCEPTS ’13 book will include all the finalists’ projects. The finalists must hand in all the necessary graphic material required for the book.

+ info:



sketch of an example of sheet


LAMP Lighting Solutions ’13

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One Response to “LAMP Lighting Solutions ’13”

  1. Mehmet says:

    – I am always blown away by your tanlet and work. I think it’s so amazing that you can do this in your life and connect with these kids. I bet it was so much fun! You are so gifted and blessed i so wish i an ounce of your knowledge, confidence and creativity! I am inspired so much when I visit here, but promise to always be authentic and to never ever copy! Rock on friend!

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