7th Advanced Architecture Contest: Responsive City. Barcelona. Spain
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia is pleased to announce the 7th Advanced Architecture Contest, on the theme of RESPONSIVE CITY.
Rapidly changing conditions deriving from continuous mutations in social structure, forms of interaction, climate behavior and economic conditions are today requiring to design cities that can rapidly adapt and reconfigure themselves.
New tools and processes such as computational design, digital fabrication, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology, among others, are giving us the chance to re-design cities in such way that they can respond to users needs adapting to changes.
Cities can transform themselves into evolutionary organisms, able to react in real time, questioning the solid principles of durability, stability or longevity.
The aim of the competition is to promote discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century will be like.
+info: HERE
Tags: competition. call, competitions and prizes, concursos y premios, contest and prizes, espacio público, news, paisaje, paisea, public space