Article 04, paisea 025. Green roofs at the Scottish Parliament building (PATPHV) | Kenny Fraser
The manifesto statement, ‘The Parliament sits in the land’ was prominently displayed on the EMBT/RMJM competition winning entry for the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh (1998). EMBT, writing in Paisea n.009 the square reflected on this, stating ‘the new Scottish Parliament would be lodged in the earth’ and that ‘the earth itself will be a material.’ These statements simply and succinctly describe the unique organic interaction between the building and landscape which is at the heart of the significance and originality of the design. The green roofs of the Scottish Parliament play a prominent role in this interaction, physically and philosophically linking the building, its designed landscape, its urban context and the wider landscape of Scotland beyond.
Full article HERE
paisea 025 [green roof], available in online store HERE and in digital edition HERE
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