Article 04.008

Thursday 7, January 2016

Article 04.008

Article 04, paisea 008. The landscape of the river: riverbank vegetation. Mireia Escrivá

Sovint, de nit, escolte els rius, insomne.
Els reconec, un per un pel seu plant,
per la remor d’un aigua entre unes pedres,
per la verdor diversa de les ribes,
per la forets o pels canyars enèrgics.

Vicent Andrés Estellés.
Llibre de l’aigua. 1

River, stream, torrent, pool… a source of life, our river. The river contains, as Joan Pellicer said in his book De la mariola a la mar, “all the ingredients and appeal, virtues and charms, accidents and imagery that we can find in the longest, most majestic rivers on the planet”. Each of these systems gives a line, a fabric and a character to the landscape. Bringing at each zigzag, at each turn, on its bed and on its banks, a source of fertility which leads to the development of ecological processes.


Water makes this riverbank vegetation possible, at the points where the water table is highest, around springs, water currents or ponds. Dependent, either permanently or temporarily, on its presence, in Mediterranean areas the difference between the seasons is even more marked and in the rest of the territory it becomes the limiting factor for both the vegetation and its uses.

Full article HERE

Paisea 008, [riverbeds], available in digital edition HERE


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