Article 01.007

Thursday 3, December 2015

Article 01.007

Article 01, paisea 007. The complexity, the moderation, the restraint. Michel Corajoud.

I would not know how to answer to the question I have been asked: what is the current state of the landscape thoughts in Europe? I could see many projects and works in the review or books that show the work of European landscape architects.

I have taken part in some juries where landscape works from different nations where explained and compared (the last one was the jury to confer the Rosa Barba’s award during the fifth Biennial of Barcelona’s Landscape). These observations and experiences where not enough to base my opinion on the possible experiences or similarities of projects from one or another country of Europe.


To be able to value these projects I would need a deeper knowledge of the conditions and the ins and outs that have prevailed in their elaboration and their later execution. I could not visit, frequent or feel enough the referred places. I ignore their original potentials. Often, I do not have enough information to appreciate the historical thickness of the place. I only have a concise idea of the expectative that the program generates, and over all the hopes of the interested citizens.

Full article HERE

Paisea 007, [yearbook 07/08], available in and in digital edition HERE


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