Voronezh Reservoir

Wednesday 18, June 2014

renovation of the Voronezh Reservoir

Competition: renovation of the Voronezh Reservoir

Open international competition which aim is to gather ideas on the renovation (ecological cleanup and improvement) of the Voronezh Reservoir so it can be more attractive for the population and used as a resource for the development of the city. Now the city and reservoir are barely integrated.

There are no beaches and recreational zones. The projects should not only address the ecological issues, but also address the way the reservoir can be used in future, meaning that it should contain proposals on the urban development of the Reservoir and its direct surroundings. The projects can include proposals to change the form of the reservoir, for instance by reducing its size or the creation of artificial islands in shallow parts of the Reservoir.

The ideas should not necessarily concern the whole reservoir, but can be proposals for one or more parts. It is important to show how the proposal can be realized – they should be feasible both technically and financially.

Architects, urbanists, landscape architects and ecologists can take part in the open competition. The competition is also open to students in these fields.

Submission: July 24, 2014
Registration: July 10, 2014
Language: English or Russian
Location: Voronezh, Russia
Prizes: 1st Prize 200.000 Rubles (4.200€) 2nd Prize 150.000 Rubles (3.150€) 3rd Prize 100.000 Rubles (2.100€) 3 Honorable Mentions of 50.000 Rubles (1.050€) each


+info: página web



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