The energetic city

Thursday 22, May 2014

The energetic city

Design trust for public space

The Design Trust for Public Space announces The Energetic City: Connectivity in the Public Realm, a new request for project proposals to redefine public space.

The Energetic City is an initiative to seed and develop new forms of connectivity among the diverse people, systems, and built, natural and digital environment of New York City. This public call invites proposals for research, design and planning projects to improve the experience of urban life by connecting people through ‘great’ design informed by the needs and aspirations of community users.

This year the Design Trust places a special emphasis of opening the project call to individuals, in addition to community groups and public agencies. We will offer seed funding so the projects can begin immediately. Projects may include the production of a clearly defined deliverable—a design prototype, pilot intervention, beta app, publication, video, or public artwork, among other possible formats—or be structured as the research, planning, or public outreach stage of a potentially larger project, where the process will inform the ultimate deliverable.

The kick-off event will take place on Monday May 19, from 7-9 pm, at BRIC House, 647 Fulton Street in Brooklyn.

+info: competition’s page


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