Wednesday 5, March 2014

cátedra metropol

CÁTEDRA METROPOL: ideas competition

-The contest entitled “Your Project: Your Town” is endowed with € 2,100 prize and possible publication of some of the projects submitted.

-The teams muldisciplinares Andalusian university can proceed, preferably Business, Economics, Tourism, Engineering, Architecture and Law.

“YOUR PROJECT YOUR CITY” sponsored by Sevilla mushrooms and Business Association of Hoteliers of Seville awarded 1,500 € and 600€ (prize and second prize respectively) initiatives, based on the actual situation of a particular area within a urban center in the Andalusian territory, whose aim through its revitalization related to tourism, leisure and commercial sectors economically viable activities. The jury may recommend publication by the Publications Service of the University of Sevilla in one or more of the proposals submitted.

The contest has been presented at the Closing of the First Conference on Economic and Technical Management of urban tourist, commercial and leisure spaces’, organized by the Metropol Parasol Chair of the University of Sevilla who spoke to the secretary-general Tourism of the Junta de Andalucía, Vicente Granados.

The director of the department, Manuel Rey, said that the initiative is very timely, since in Andalusia “tourism, trade and leisure are activities whose habitual support the urban fabric and are capable of generating strong economic and employment dynamics generate dynamic cities and urban regeneration. “

The scope of the competition is Andalusia and performance should refer to any center with a census population exceeding 50,000. The comprehensive proposal from providing technical and management responses based on the idea of ​​business related economic sectors of tourism, commerce and leisure.

The registration deadline for teams that must consist of at least three members with at least one member of the technical area and other legal and business area, especially related to the business, tourism, architecture, engineering areas and the right, will be open from February 17 to March 31 and should be in the web of the chair: www.catedrametropol.com where are published the contest.

The team will have a deadline for submission of projects between April 21, 2014 and June 20. The jury, made ​​up of prominent members of the academic and business world, the first half of July will be known.

+info: www.catedrametropol.com

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