Prize for urban public space

Thursday 12, December 2013

European prize for urban public spaces

European Prize for urban public space

The call for entries for the eighth edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space is now open. This honorific competition has been held on a biennial basis since 2000 with the aim of recognising, encouraging and publicising examples of good practice in the ways in which European cities are dealing with the many challenges they must confront. Undergoing processes of exponential growth and far-reaching transformation, these cities are facing the fact that the age-old democratic ideal of striving for cohabitation on an equal basis within a plural society is in jeopardy.

Segregation and inequalities, unsustainable construction and consumption or serious deficiencies in guaranteeing the right to housing and the right to the city are problems that are tangibly manifest in urban public spaces, and it is precisely on this front where they can be combated with better results. True to this cause, the Prize is open to all kinds of interventions aimed at creating, recovering or improving the democratic quality of the urban spaces we share and it jointly awards their authors and promoters. Entries for the 2014 Prize, which must have been carried out in European cities between 2012 and 2014, may be registered free of charge until next 23 January on the Prize website. The rules specifying the required documents and the conditions of participation may be downloaded from the official website.


The sponsoring institutions of the Eighth European Prize for Urban Public Space are the following:

– Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
– Frankfurt: Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)
– Helsinki: Museum of Finnish Architecture (MFA)
– Ljubljana: Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO)
– London: The Architecture Foundation (AF)
– Paris: La Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Cité)
– Vienna: Architekturzentrum Wien (Az W)


The Prize, which is honorific by nature, is awarded jointly to the authors and promoters of the projects chosen by the Jury. The prize-winners (of the Prize itself and Honourable Mentions) will receive a Diploma confirming the award. In addition, the winner of the Prize will receive a commemorative plaque which is to be installed in the prize-winning public space.
The prize-winning works, the finalists and a selection made by the Jury will be published in the European Archive of Urban Public Space, which brings together and makes available to the public the best projects that have been presented in the competition since its inception and will make part of travelling exhibition of the 2014 Prize.





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