Rethinking the silver

Wednesday 13, November 2013

rethinking the silver


The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the National University of La Plata (hereinafter FAU ) , calls the Latin American competition of ideas ” RETHINKING LA PLATA . Ideas for Cat Creek watershed “promoted in the training of future scientists and professionals of architecture and urbanism , reflection on current habitat problems , especially those related to flood disasters on improvement alternatives and / or adaptation of urban design and architecture , especially in the Cat creek watershed .

The authors of the papers must be students of architecture in most cases, may have the advice and collaboration of students from other disciplines . You Find out more details below.

The structural determinants to devise proposals are based on the general discussion on those conditions that define the topic and issues to be addressed through the contest , presenting What is climate change? , What are the risks in the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires? , and what are some of its effects on the Greater La Plata?


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It is a contest of ideas, to a single round , and three possible categories to choose from , namely : A) code of the basin of El Gato in its entirety , B ) Urban Design ; C) architectural design. Participants may submit more than one proposal but separately. IDEA is meant by the concept of ” basic scheme ” constitutes a first approach to a specific solution architectural design , urban design and / or code of the basin , and as such , defines and combines the features of a general way without solutions in detail.

The papers can propose solutions to the territorial scale , urban or architectural .


The authors of the papers must be students of architecture in most cases, may have the advice and collaboration of students from other disciplines .

Every job needs to have the support of one or two tutors who should be teachers of the faculties in study participants . Teachers who are not architects can support specialists as consultants .


Consultation with advisors : there will be 2 queries :

– The received between November 2 and December 14 , will be answered on December 20, 2013 .
– The received between December 15 and February 21 , will be answered on February 28, 2014 .

Call for papers : April 1, 2014

Call the Jury : Within 72 hours of receipt of all work by the Advisory , the jury shall be convened by it and meet in the FAU .

Failure of Competition: April 15, 2014


The pre inscripcióndeberá be sent to the email , according to the information provided in the registration form . There is only mandatory to record the name of a member and the respective faculty .
Registration definitivase delivered with flat pack and memory inside the envelope. And according to the information provided in the same form. Registration for the contest is free.


Participants may make written inquiries about the technical aspects of the contest until February 21, 2014 , through email through an email address that does not enable the participant .



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