URBANLUZ competition

Tuesday 1, October 2013


URBANLUZ competiton

Who can participate?

– The contest is open Urbanluz Valparaiso UTFSM to Chileans and foreigners linked to the world of lighting (Areas of architecture, design, engineering, etc …) and young graduates of those disciplines born after 01/01/1983.
– Participation individually or in groups of maximum 3 members


– September 27: awareness day lighting in the UTFSM / lecture Diav office (office with extensive experience in lighting design) in the UTFSM / Official opening of the contest. – November 4 before 12am: project delivery through the E entregas@urbanluzconcurso.cl – 11 to 12 NOVEMBER: jury meeting and selection of the winners – November 13th: dissemination of selected web page – 18 to 20 NOVEMBER: Schreder workshop in conjunction with the study of the technical needs of November-December completion: Installing the winning project – December 13: opening to the public, cocktail and exhibition of projects selected by the jury – 14 June 2014: uninstall.


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