Belgorod city competition

Sunday 12, May 2013

Belgorod city competition

Presentacin:oJune 3, 2013
Registration: May 10, 2013
Language: English
Location: Belorod, Russia
Prizes: 1st Prize 25.000 $ 2nd Prize 10.000 $ 3rd Prize 5.000 $ 4th Prize 2.500 $
Type: Open competition for architects.

Open international architecture competition for the design of an urban block in the historical center of Belorod, Rusia.

Though Belgorod is an historical city, it was completely destroyed during WWII. Only the street pattern in the centre of the city reminds us of its past. Since only a limited number of buildings were erected in the first decade after WWII, the architecture of the centre is dominated by low-quality buildings of the Khruchev and Brezhnev era. Nevertheless, since they follow the historical street pattern and are relatively low, they give the centre of the city a certain character that is different from the parts of the city that were built in later years. There are urban blocks that show the more rich architecture from the Stalinist area.

The urban block that is the subject of this competition is the largest one. With an area of more then 6 hectares, it contains two-storey collective housing in classical style in a very low density. Since rehousing costs of the existing population are low and quality of construction is poor, this block is now primarily targeted for redevelopment. With the redevelopment of this site, the city gets the opportunity to reconsider the architectural and urban makeup of its centre. Within the old street pattern, a new city can grow that paradoxically may reflect more adequately the city’s past then post-war developments.

This competition is therefore not only about the design for a specific location, it is also meant to generate recepies that can be applied in other parts of the historical centre.


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