rethink athens. a new city center

Monday 11, June 2012

rethink athens. a new city centre

Competition for the creation of a new city center in Athens Rethink Athens.

The Alexander s. Onassis foundation, launches a European competition for the re-constitution of Athens city centre along the axis from Amalias Ave to Patission Ave, are the transformation of the city center into a destination for the public instead of a traffic area for motor vehicles, the functional, aesthetic and environmental upgrade of the city center, the re-enhancement of commercial, administrative and financial activities in the city,the repopulation of the city center, the highlighting of the historical and cultural identity of the capital, the improvement of quality of life for all citizens.

Deadline for submission 07-09-2012

1st stage
– Each proposal selected by the jury to proceed to the 2nd stage of the Competition (Preliminary Drawings Competition) shall receive a honorarium of Euros Twenty-Five Thousand (€ 25,000) (incl. VAT).
– The first stage Jury may also select one additional ‘utopian’ proposal to receive a honorary award of Euros Ten Thousand (€ 10,000) (incl. VAT), without entitling the participant to proceed to the 2nd stage of the Competition.

2nd stage
– At the second stage of the Competition (Preliminary Drawings Competition) up to three (3) cash prizes
of a total amount of Euros One Hundred and Sixty Thousand (€ 160,000) (incl.VAT) will be shared
among three winners, in the followings percentages 1st prize: 45%, 2nd prize: 33% , 3rd prize: 22%.

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rethink athens. a new city center

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