European Prize Public Space 2012

Monday 25, June 2012

European Prize Public Space 2012

Awards ceremony European Prize for Urban Public Space 2012, 29 June 6.30 p.m. in Main Hall CCCB of Barcelona.

To the winning projects that we have published at the following post of April 29th.


6.30 p.m.

Formal welcome address by Sr. Marçal Sintes, director of the CCCB, with speeches by Sr. Salvador Esteve i Figueras, President of the Barcelona Provincial Council and of the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona Consortium, and Sr. Antoni Vives i Tomàs, Third Deputy Mayor for Urban Habitat in the Barcelona City Council.

Reading of the Minutes of the Jury by David Bravo, Secretary of the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2012.

Ex aequo prizes:

Refurbishment of the Banks of the River Ljubljanica in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Janez Koželj, Deputy Mayor and City Architect of the Ljubljana City Council, promoter

Rok Žnidaršič, Medprostor Studio, one of the eight architects’ studios involved in the collective work

Restoration of the Hilltop Site of Turó de la Rovira in Barcelona, Spain

Francina Vila i Valls, Councillor for the District of Horta-Guinardó and Vice-President of the Carmel and Environs Development Agency, promoter

Imma Jansana, of the Jansana, de la Villa and de Paauw, Architects’ Studio, and Jordi Romero of the AAUP Jordi Romero and Associates Studio, authors

Special Mentions:

Exhibition Road in London, United Kingdom

Mahmood Siddiqi, Head of Highways and Traffic at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London

Abolition of Slavery Memorial in Nantes, France

Julian Bonder, Wodiczko+Bonder, Architecture, Art & Design, author

Annorstädes / Elswhere / Ailleur in Mälmo, Sweden

Tania Ruiz, author

Special Category:

Occupy Puerta del Sol in Madrid, Spain

8 p.m.

Speech by Josep Llinàs, President of the Jury of the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2012

Closing address by Sr. Salvador Esteve i Figueras.

Free of charge / Limited seating available / Simultaneous translation into Catalan is offered.

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